Walls and Worship

City Kids Parent Take-Home

Nehemiah 6-8

Big truth: We worship God when we gather together to hear and obey God’s word.
Christ connection: Jesus makes us live secure with God, now and forever.
Faith Response: Children who long for their true home, with God forever in the new creation.

Memory verse: Deuteronomy 32:4 NIV song
He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

Dinner-table questions
  1. What was so special about the people returning to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple? Look up Jeremiah 32: 37-38. Why had they left?
    The promised land was where the Israelites could live as God’s people and worship Him.
  2. How do people live with God today? What’s even better than the Temple and promised land? Why?
    God dwelling in us by His Spirit every day. God living with us in the new creation one day. God never leaves us, we’re secure in His kingdom.
  3. What things do you like about our home? They’re good, but will they last forever? What will last?
Family Activity: Jenga

Play jenga or make the tallest wall of plastic cups.

It was wonderful for the Israelites to return and rebuild Jerusalem. But even better is belonging to Jesus’ eternal kingdom. It’ll never crumble or lose, we’ll never be kicked out, and God will never leave. God lives with us by His Spirit now, and we wait for Jesus to bring heaven to earth, when we’ll live with Him face-to-face, forever!

Link love

The Biggest Story podcast: Spotify  /  Apple
This week’s Bible story video: