
Coming up

New Here? Visit the connect table in the coffee area.


  • Our Mission sermon series


  • City Women's Event | 28th September. 2:00 pm at ICM building.
  • Men's Ministry Event | 29th September. 7:30 pm at ICM building
  • Dublin Women's Convention |19th  October. Women of all ages and stages are invited to explore what it means to 'Behold Our God'. Author and Bible teacher Jen Wilkin will be teaching on the attributes of God. Book your space here


  • Community Groups |Start this week. Join one at the Connect Table
  • Giving | If City is your home then giving to the work here is an appropriate way of responding to God's generosity.
    Please give either in the box at the front or scroll down to give online.


If you follow Jesus and call City church your home, part of your discipleship is serving God's people. Several of our service teams need more people to join.

To find out more about our service teams or to join a team, please visit the Get Plugged In page or chat to any of the team leaders.

Post-church lunch

Eating together as a church family is important, and it's a great way to get embedded into life at City. We encourage you to find a group of people to have lunch together after the service.

Community Groups

Community Groups are central to the life and mission of City Church. It is where ordinary people work out what it means to be followers of Jesus, care for one another, and love our city. Evenings vary between Bible study, prayer nights and shared meals. Several of our groups across the city are already full. The following groups are open:

  • Westside (Wednesday at 8:00 pm ) Lucan |  Linns

  • City Centre (Tuesdays at 7:00 pm) ICM building | Gus & Jacky

  • City Centre (Wednesday at 7:00 pm) Mariana & Eóghan

  • Southside ( Wednesdays at 7.30 pm) Grand Canal Docks | Ross Neill.

  • Southside (Wednesdays at 7.00 p.m.)  Sandyford | Andrew, Jenny & Ross Jarvis

  • Northside (Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m.) Swords  | Thompsons 

  • Spanish Bible Study (City Center | Twice a month) Saturdays 7:00 pm | Gus & Jacky.

  • Portuguese Bible Study (FoxRock | Once a month)  Freddy & Allana's house

    *To find out more information or to join a group, visit the Connect table after the service.


Giving is an act of worship and obedience. It is one of the ways that we respond to God's generosity to us in the gospel. Therefore we encourage everyone who calls City Church their home commit to giving sacrificially, regularly and joyfully according to the means that God has given you. You can do this easily through our website here.

No photography

This is a reminder that unauthorised photography and video-recording in our service is not permitted, in order to safeguard our children.

The media team, authorised by City Church Dublin, captures images through photos and video for use by City Church Dublin. If you wish for your image not to be captured please let a staff member know and we will endeavour to ensure that happens.

Thank you for your understanding.

What's next?

As we always say, Sundays are necessary but not sufficient.

To find out more about what it means to embed into life at City church, visit the Connect Table after the service, chat to one of our leaders, or visit our Get Plugged in page. You can also get in touch with us by emailing [email protected].