The Lord is my Shepherd

City Kids Parent Take-Home

Psalm 23

Big truth: God, as our shepherd, leads, feeds, protects and forgives us.
Christ connection: With Jesus as our shepherd, we have all we need.
Faith Response: Children who are sure that God is near and good to them, through danger and darkness.

Memory verse: Job 1:21b song
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
blessed be the name of the Lord.

Dinner-table questions
  1. What does it mean for God to be a shepherd? Look at Psalm 23.
    God is all that we need. He leads, feeds, protects and forgives us.
  2. Why did Jesus say “I am the good shepherd”? Read John 10:10-11.
    Jesus was saying that He is God, come to rescue His sheep.
  3. It’s easy to feel alone in danger and darkness, but what is God doing?
    He is with us, He comforts us, He never stops showing goodness and mercy to us.
Family Activity: Psalm pictionary

The Psalms use word pictures to help us understand who God is and who we are.

Split into 2 teams. A volunteer should pick one scene from Psalm 23 (e.g., lying in green pastures) to draw. The team that guesses first wins 1 point. Repeat!

Link love

The Biggest Story podcast: Spotify  /  Apple
This week’s Bible story video: