The Beginning of Wisdom

City Kids Parent Take-Home

Proverbs 1

Big truth: Fearing God makes us wise.
Christ connection: Jesus made a way for us to know God and be wise.
Faith Response: Children who humbly listen and live by God’s Word, knowing that wisdom comes from God, not from within or the world.

Memory verse: Job 1:21b song
The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;
blessed be the name of the Lord.

Dinner-table questions
  1. Does wisdom mean being smart and knowing lots? Where can wisdom be found? What is a wise person like?
    No, we aren’t wise by ourselves. Wisdom comes from our wise God; it’s found at Jesus’ cross and in the Bible. The wise person trusts and obeys God.
  2. Following sinful wishes is foolish, but what’s the good news about Jesus?
    At the cross, Jesus made a way for us to know God, and he freed us from sin so we could live wise lives.
Family Activity: Proverbs quiz

Have a go at this Proverbs quiz. How many did you get right?

Link love

The Biggest Story podcast: Spotify  /  Apple
This week’s Bible story video: