Rain, Rain, Go Away

City Kids Parent Take-Home
22 October 2023

Genesis 6-8

Big truth: God sent a flood to judge all the wickedness on earth.
Christ connection: God punished our sin and rescued us through Jesus’ death!
Memory verse: Romans 6:23 song
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Dinner-table questions:
  1. You’ve been learning that sin spread to everyone. So why did God rescue Noah and his family? [because of His grace and good plan] 
  2. A wedding ring is a sign of my promise/covenant to my husband/wife. What was the rainbow a sign of? 
  3. In the Bible story, we learned that God is both just (He is right to punish sin) and gracious (He is kind and treats us better than we deserve). How did God deal with our sin and rescue us at the same time? [through Jesus!]
Family discipleship activity: build an ark

Make an ark – out of legos, play dough, origami, or things in your recycling bin! Talk about how Noah and his family would have felt to be rescued and safe inside the ark.

How does knowing that we are even more rescued by Jesus change how we feel and act? When you feel worried or insecure, how does it help to remember that you’re safe in Jesus?

Link love

This week’s podcast episode: Spotify  /  Apple  /  Google
This week’s Bible story video:

Songs we sing in Sunday school: