Big People, Little Faith

City Kids Parent Take-Home

Numbers 13-14

Big truth: Believing God’s promises makes us brave.
Christ connection: Jesus won for his people a home with God that can’t be lost.
Faith Response: Children who trust that God is bigger and better than the things they fear.

Memory verse: Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray;
we have turned – every one – to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Dinner-table questions
  1. God had promised to give His people a land, but why did the people and 10 spies refuse to believe God?
    They didn’t trust God’s promises. They didn’t believe that God was bigger than the big cities and big people in Canaan. They forgot how God had already rescued them from Egypt and was with them always.
  2. What can people be afraid of today, instead of trusting God?
    We can be afraid of what other people think and say about us. We can be afraid of losing something or not getting something we want. We can be afraid of doing hard things.
  3. As we learned last weekend from Titus, Jesus hasn’t just redeemed us from sin’s penalty. He has promised to keep renewing us, and he will restore us to live with him forever one day! How does believing these things help us to trust God when we are afraid of these other things?
    We believe that Jesus is always with us, and nothing is bigger or better than Jesus. We know that Jesus is changing us to trust Him more than people or things. We look forward to when we’ll not fear anything anymore, but live in the perfect place Jesus has won for us.
Family activity: small scary things

On a blank page, draw some things that you can fear more than God, like losing a football match or not being invited to play. Even though these things can seem big to us, draw them as tiny as you can. Then, draw a big crown and write JESUS IS BIGGER AND BETTER in large letters. Stick your poster somewhere that your family will see every day.

Link love

This week’s podcast episode: Spotify  /  Apple
The Super Awesome Fantastic Forever Party:

This week’s Bible story video:

Songs we sing in City Kids: